Silje Dahl
Silje’s interest and knowledge of Information technology are comprehensive. At Infoworker, she is a .Net developer who takes on both front-end and back-end assignments. Silje is focused on front-end development in Office 365 and has worked extensively with LogicApps, Azure automation, CosmosDB, BOT Framework, integrations against Teams and Workflows. She appreciates how her work on developing new services challenges her creatively and inspires her to devise innovative solutions.
Hovedsakelig har Silje fokus på frontend-utvikling i Office 365 og har jobbet mye med LogicApps, Azure automatisering, CosmosDB, BOT Framework, integrasjoner mot Teams og arbeidsflyt. Hun setter pris på hvordan arbeidet med utvikling av nye tjenester utfordrer henne kreativt, og gjør det mulig å finne enda bedre innovative løsninger.
Silje pursues music and plays drums in bands during leisure time. Concert visits, board games and other social activities with friends add an extra quotient of joy to Silje’s life.
– Software Developer